Lumbar Stabilization: Improving Hip & Thoracic Mobility
In my last two blogs, I suggested principles of Optimal
Movement we could be teaching our patients:
Weight Bearing
Distribution of Movement
Use of Synergists
of Unnecessary Effort
I would now like get more specific by
talking about the 800 pound gorilla of physical therapy; low back pain.
According to that font of all medical wisdom, the internet, low back pain is
the third most common reason for a doctor visit in the US. Coming out of PT
school in 1983, lumbar stabilization wasn’t even on the radar screen. We
stretched the back into flexion (William’s), extension (McKenzie’s),
side-bending and rotation, then strengthened the back and belly muscles. The
back hurt because it was stiff and weak; it would feel better if it were
flexible and strong. A brief perusal of back pain books on Amazon will show
that old ideas die hard; the stretch and strengthen paradigm is still alive and
Fast forward
to the Age of Pilates and we have the more accurate idea that the back can hurt
because of hypermobility. However, we tend to still have “if only” concepts of
what it takes to stabilize the back. “If only” your multifidi and transverse
abdominus were stronger you won’t have back pain. Hmmm. Even if you still sit
habitually slumped at end-range flexion? Even if you still stand sway backed at
end-range extension? If you twist with inadequate hip or thoracic rotation? If
you bend with inadequate hip hinge? If you serve in tennis with a stiff thoracic
kyphosis? There are larger forces at play in these scenarios which need to be
addressed, along with a self-awareness component; what am I doing wrong/how
could I move better?
movement principles germane to this topic are Appropriate Distribution of
Movement and Proportional Use of Synergists. If your gluts/hams are tight and
you are not using your hip flexors to prevent your pelvis from falling back
into posterior tilt in sitting, you slump and over- stretch posteriorly. If
your hip flexors are tight and you are not using your hip extensors to prevent
your pelvis from falling forward into anterior tilt in standing, you lordose
and jam. If your hip rotators are short you twist too much at your lower back
when golfing or working on an assembly line. If your thoracic spine has
fossilized and the thoracic extensors are on permanent holiday, where might
these deficits be made up?
There is current research that backs this up. For just a few
examples, go to PubMed and type in:
• Relationship between the hip and low back
pain in athletes who participate in rotation- related sports
• Hip stiffness patterns in lumbar flexion
or extension-based movement syndromes
• Elimination of intermittent chronic low
back pain in a recreational golfer following improvement of hip range of motion
• The hips influence on low back pain: a
distal link to a proximal problem.
• Factors affecting shoulder-pelvic integration
during axial trunk rotation is subjects with
recurrent low back pain.
• The myth of core stability.
We’re not tossing out the baby with the bath water; core
muscle activation has an important role, just not the only role. The game here
would be to create situations where we simultaneously mobilize hips and thorax
while keeping the back stable. This is much easier said than done; the types of
exercise we have historically prescribed to improve hip or thoracic mobility
are non- specific/global instead of pattern-specific/differentiated (more on
these terms in the next blog). Because of the tendency to move in “paths of
least resistance”, we need to be clever in how we position our patient to
constrain lumbar movement and funnel movement and effort to under- performing
Furthermore, our exercises should be linked to the specific
functional contexts in which our patients run into trouble (bending, lifting,
pushing, etc.) and should have a sensory training aspect; shape of the low
back, location of movement or effort, etc. Motor adequacy (muscle
length/strength), Sensory accuracy (proprioceptive acuity) and Intentional
clarity (what’s my target) are the three indispensible aspects of human
integrated movement; we can and should be including all three.
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